Welcome from our Global Principal

The Concord International vision is to provide high quality education to young people around the world. This might be in their own country, in the virtual world or within the UK. The aim is to establish a network of Concord schools around the globe that will share the Concord International ethos. These schools will be supported by ‘Virtually Concord’: Concord International’s virtual learning platform. The schools will also have access to a wide range of support and consultation services through Concord College International, as well as a range of highly experienced educators who have direct experience of Concord College UK.
The education offered will be academically rigorous and will seek to develop:
‘When Challenged, we grow
Given Confidence, we believe
Shown kindness, we flourish
Harmony, decency and trust around the world and across the generations’
As Global Principal of Concord College International, I have the privilege to share with you the Concord vision of high quality, rigorous education. For 16 years between 2005 and 2021, I led Concord College as its Principal: during that time, the school grew in quality, reputation and stature. Its success was based on high expectations, the encouragement of creative thinking and on the kindness of the school community. My role is now to take that same vision and to share and develop it with partners around the world.
Concord already has a very successful school in Shanghai and Concord College International School Malaysia will be opening in September 2024. We are in discussion with other potential partners and hope to open further schools over the next decade.
If you would like to explore a partnership with Concord College International, then do please make contact. We are looking for trusted partners who are committed to the provision of high-quality education for children throughout the school age range. It is my aim to work with such partners to open schools that provide a high quality education in the style of Concord College, which is appropriate to national and cultural needs. Concord College International would expect to be involved in the planning, set-up and development stages of any such school, as well as providing ongoing support and quality assurance once the school reached a steady state.
If you would like to explore a potential partnership, do not hesitate to contact my office and we can have an initial conversation.